American College of Trial Lawyers (ACTL) And Essex County Bar Association (ECBA) Statewide Superior Court Conciliation Program

The Trial Court highly recommends taking advantage of this opportunity. If you currently have a Superior Court case, simply request a referral to the program from the session clerk or the judge by submitting this completed form to them. 

Upon receipt of the Order to Conciliation, please email the following to

  • Order to Conciliation
  • Contact information for Counsel of both parties, including email address
  • FULL Civil Docket Number of the case and the county
  • The names of at least two participating Conciliators from the list below for scheduling purposes
  • Issues of the case
  • Next Court Date
  • General availability for scheduling conciliation

This program provides an opportunity for a swift resolution at no cost to the parties.

The attorneys and retired judges listed below are members of the American College of Trial Lawyers and bring a level of experience like no other. Trained and certified by former ECBA President Michael Merriam per SJC Rule 8 guidelines, this program will also be administered by the Essex County Bar Association.

Participating Conciliators

Michael Angelini                    Bowditch & Dewey                                     Business Litigation/Contract Disputes
Lisa Arrowood                       Arrowood Law                                             MedMal/LegalMal/PersInj/Employ/BusiLit/Non-Comp/Whistleblower 
John Bagley                           Morrison Mahoney                                     Civil Litigation/Personal Injury /Professional Liability/Ins. Coverage 
Clyde Berstresser                 Bergstresser & Pollock                               Medical Malpractice/Legal Mal/Pers Inj/Premises Liability/MV Tort 
Christopher T. Casey            Casey and Lundregan                                Probate and Trust Litigation/Landlord Tenant Litigation
John Cassidy                         Ficksman & Conley                                    Medical Malpractice/Product Liability/Gen. Tort Liability 
Jack Cinquegrana                 Choate, Hall & Stewart                              Fraud & Deceit/Whistleblower/Securities/Complex Litigation 
Ellen Epstein Cohen              Adler, Cohen                                               Medical Malpractice/Personal Injury/Product Liability
Robert Curley                         Curley & Curley                                           Products Liab/Ins Cov/Catastrophic Torts/Premises Liab/ MV Torts 
Chris Dodig                            Donovan, O’Connor & Dodig                     Civil Disputes/Personal Injury/Medical Malpractice
Lew Eisenberg                       Cosgrove, Eisenberg & Kiley                    Personal Injury
Hon. Daniel A. Ford                                                                                    Civil Litigation
Lisa Goodheart                      Fitch                                                             Environmental Land Use & Real Estate Litigation
David Gould                            Fisckman & Conley                                   Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury
Bernie Guekguezian             Adler, Cohen                                               Medical Malpractice/Products Liability/Personal Injury
Glen Hannington                   Law Offices of Glen Hannington             Pers Inj, Workers’ Comp, Employ, Med-Mal, Higher Ed
David Hanrahan                     Gilman, McLaughlin & Hanrahan            Employ/Discrimination/Corp/Real Est./Contracts/MedMal/Pers Inj
Ed Hinchey                             Sloane & Walsh (Ret)                                Negli/Prod Liab/MedMal/Atty Negl/Partner Disputes/Employment
Michael Keating                    MeehanBoyle                                              Business Litigation
Paul Leavis                             Tetzel Law                                                  Personal Injury
Marianne LeBlanc                  Sugarman & Sugarman                           Personal Injury/Medical Malpractice/Nursing Home Litigation Civil
Jay Lynch                                Lynch & Lynch                                            Litigation/Personal Injury/Professional Liab/Ins. Coverage
Thomas F. Maffei                   Sherin & Lodgen                                       Business/Commercial Litig/Products Liab/Prof Liab (not MedMal)
Edward McCarthy                  McCarthy, Bouley & Barry, P.C.               Medical Malpractice/Personal Injury
Paul McTague                        Martin, Magnuson                                    Medical Malpractice/Products Liability/Personal Injury
Michael Merriam                   Law Offices of Michael J. Merriam        Tort/Insurance/Personal Injury
Tracy Miner                             Miner Siddall                                              Fraud/Breach of Contract 
Paul O’Connor                        Milton, Laurence & Dixon                         Pers Injury/MedMal/Healthcare/Ins Cov/Prop. Damage/Higher Elder
Tom Peisch                            Conn, Kavanaugh                                       Prof. & Products Liab/Busin Litig/MedMal (Long Term Care) [Defense]
Nancy Frankel Pelletier        Robinson Donovan                                     Personal Injury/Civil Rights Litigation/Municipal Law/Education Law
John Pucci                              Bulkley Richardson & Gelinas                 Civil Litigation
Thomas Sartory                     Goulston & Storrs                                      Business Disputes/Professional Malpractice/Intellectual Property
Scott Tucker                           Tucker, Dyer & O’Connell                          Personal Injury/Construction Defects
Chris Weld                               Todd & Weld                                             Gen. Civil Litig/Busi. Disputes/Closely held Busi./Constr./Class Actions
Benjamin Zimmermann        Sugarman & Sugarman                          Personal Injury/Medical Malpractice/Product Liability